Volleyball Drills for Children

Volleyball is a relatively low-cost athletic option that helps children improve agility, hand-eye coordination and general sports conditioning. In addition, it exposes children to the challenge and entertainment of team sports. Volleyball drills for children can be a fun, stimulating way to enhance basic knowledge of the plays and moves used in the sport. Bestvolleyballdrills.com suggests that when creating volleyball drills for children, you should keep the focus on fun and basic skills. Play music to create an engaging atmosphere and use competition to encourage young athletes to try their hardest.
Big Bumps Little Bumps
Teach children how to control the height of their volleyball bumps with this simple drill. Each child gets a volleyball. Call out “Big Bumps!” when you want the children to hit the bumps high in the air. Wait until all children have steady control over their big bumps then call out “Little Bumps!” and have the children hit shorter bumps. Change between the two more quickly as children get comfortable.
Bump Set Spike
Have children count off into pairs. Partners stand about 15 feet apart. The first partner bumps the ball to her partner, who sets it back for a spike. The sequence starts over. If the children aren’t advanced enough to bump, set, spike, have the pairs simply “pepper,” or volley back and forth using any combination of bumps, sets and spikes.
Cone Knock Down
Set up cones randomly all over one half of the volleyball court. Encourage children to serve the ball and aim to knock down the cones. This drill improves accuracy. You can also use it with spikes and multiplayer combination plays.
Greed Drill
Y-coach.com suggests this game drill to improve the concept of teamwork. Start by splitting children into two equal teams. Each team gets 12 balls and can have six players on the court at any given time. Explain that the serve will alternate sides with each point, regardless of which side wins the point. Start the play with a serve and have the teams rally out to win points, just like in a real game. After each point, the winning side gets to keep the ball. The team with the most balls at the end wins.
Force substitutions every round if there are many children.
Writer Bio
Based in New York City, Caroline Schley has been writing articles on fitness, social interaction and politics since 2008. Her articles have appeared in "The Tahoe Weekly," "Second Line News" and websites, including Eatthestate.org. Schley graduated from CU Boulder in 2005 with a degree in environmental science.