Reasons to Play Baseball

While the professional level of the sport has experienced some ebb and flow in prominence, baseball remains a staple youth activity around the world.
While most of this is due to baseball's enjoyment, the sport also benefits one's everyday life. The most important reason to play baseball is a love of the sport, however the sport offers other benefits that are reason enough to step between the baselines.
Baseball remains a staple youth activity around the world.
How does baseball improve health?
Baseball puts your body through a lot of movements during the game. Actions that help keep your body in shape:
- Running,
- throwing,
- catching,
- moving from side to side
- and swinging a bat
The benefits aren't limited to just playing the game. Even the stretching and warmup before the game improve flexibility, circulation and develop muscle. In sum, basic baseball training can help to keep you in the best health possible.
How does baseball increase hand-eye coordination?
Even something as simple as fielding the ball on the ground or on the fly involves a lot of moving parts working in harmony.
You will develop a high level of hand-eye coordination as you practice and learn to apply the reflexes necessary to field a ground ball. Along with learning how to transfer the ball from your glove to your throwing hand.
Hitting a baseball also requires a high level of hand-eye coordination as you must find where to swing the bat in the blink of an eye.
Is it easy to play baseball right away?
Cal Ripken Sr., put baseball into a simpler perspective when he said “baseball is a simple game played with bats, balls and people.” No matter your age, race, size, or gender, baseball has a place for you.
- There are starting roles in the outfield for speedy players.
- Larger and slower players can find a home at first base or catching.
The only equipment that is absolutely necessary for basic play is gloves, a bat and a ball. Baseball can also be played on any surface, just as long as there are bases and people to tend to them.
No matter your age, race, size, or gender, baseball has a place for you.
How does baseball teach teamwork?
Baseball provides a good platform for instilling teamwork. On defense, there is nowhere to hide. The ball can be hit to you at any time, on any play. This gives each player a high level of responsibility to the team.
Even turning a double or triple play requires complete harmony among two or more players.
On offense, players must communicate along the base paths and be attentive to the actions of their teammates.
Why is baseball timeless?
With a few minor exceptions, baseball today is the same sport with the same fundamental rules that your parents, grandparents and perhaps great-grandparents knew. For a sport so rich in its simplicity, baseball is a sport that is often handed down from one generation to the next with ease.
Major League Baseball has plenty of father-and-son tandems in its history, along with numerous examples of brothers all playing together.
Baseball can form a type of community that stretches across the generations in a way that few things are ever able to manage while remaining recognizable.
Writer Bio
Steve Silverman is an award-winning writer, covering sports since 1980. Silverman authored The Minnesota Vikings: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Who's Better, Who's Best in Football -- The Top 60 Players of All-Time, among others, and placed in the Pro Football Writers of America awards three times. Silverman holds a Master of Science in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism.