How to Get More Distance From Irons

Hitting long, straight irons is one of the keys to a better golf game. So what do you do when your distance is falling short?

It could be that you've never had the type of impact on the ball to make the ball go as far as those your playing with. This can be a symptom of body rotation or club head speed. There are drills you can do to increase your body rotation and your club head speed, generating more power behind your swing and allowing you to hit longer irons.

Body Rotation Drill

      1. Lift your lead foot 2 or 3 inches off the turf. This frees up your hips for greater rotation and transfers weight to your back foot.

            Club Head Speed

            1. Address the ball.

            2. Make sure that your head is centered over the ball. This will allow you to generate a full follow through and more club head speed at impact.

                1. Visualize your non-lead hand rolling the ball as you go through impact. To roll the ball you need to break the wrist. This will help you get the feel for your wrist break and release point, the area where you generate the most club head speed.

                1. Go in to your follow through. Your non-lead shoulder (the shoulder farthest from the hole) should naturally drop through impact so there is a steep descending angle from lead to non-lead with your head still centered. Your non-lead shoulder should slide under your chin as you complete your follow through.