Advantages & Disadvantages of Single Elimination

Determining how to structure a playoff or tournament requires combining fairness for the competitors involved with the logistical challenges that come with planning an event. Single elimination decides a winner quickly, and gives every competitor the same path to victory. However, it’s not always the best solution, in part because it can interject an unfair amount of randomness into the process.
Quick and Easy
Single elimination tournaments can be conducted quickly. A postseason can be completed over the course of a weekend for small fields. If the number of potential locations is limited, single elimination tournaments may be the only way of getting the postseason completed before the organizers run out of venues. Similarly, if the field for an event is huge, like a statewide high school basketball tournament, single elimination is the only way to get the event completed in a timely fashion. It’s also the simplest system – win and advance, lose and go home.
Results Can Be Random
One poor performance in a single elimination event can erase months of excellent regular-season results. A team that dominated the entire year has the same margin for error as the last-seeded team in the field, so a bad matchup can send deserving teams home early. It’s also not a great choice for tournaments that require teams to travel. A soccer tournament that’s single elimination will have a hard time getting participants from multiple states, for example, since teams may be reluctant to take on the expense of attending if they are only guaranteed a single game.