Cowbell Gym Exercises

Cowbells -- or kettlebells -- are weighted cast-iron orbs with looped handles, commonly found in gyms. You can swing these hefty balls of metal into action, challenging your muscles and relieving boredom that may set in during standard weight lifting routines. Not only will your biceps and pecs reap the benefits, but your whole body will also see the rewards.
Cowbell Deadlift
Cowbell deadlifts will target your back, quad and gluteal muscles. Begin in a standing position with your legs at a hip-width distance. The cowbells should be at your sides. Tighten your abdomen, bringing your shoulders back, and inhale as you lower your hips. Watch your spinal alignment as you do so. Maintain proper form to protect your lower back and knees, squatting only low enough to grab onto the cowbells. Grasping the cowbells, exhale and then stand, lifting the weights as you rise. Inhale and squat down, returning the cowbells to their resting position.Finish by completing 10 to 12 repetitions.
Cowbell Lunge
Traditional lunges spotlight your glutes, hamstrings and quads. Adding a cowbell increases the work placed on these muscles, burning more calories. Being by standing with your feet hip-width apart, and grasp a cowbell in each hand. Keep your arms at your sides, firmly gripping the cowbells for the duration of the exercise. Straighten your back as you slightly bend your elbows outward. Lunge forward with your left foot, making a 90-degree angle with your knee. Watch that your knee does not extend past your second toe. Briefly hold this before returning the leg back to its starting position. Switch legs, alternating between the two for 10 to 20 repetitions on each leg.
Cowbell Single-Arm Swing
Cowbell single-arm swings enhance the lower body by sculpting the quadriceps and gluteal muscles. Start in standing position with the cowbell resting between your feet. Tighten your core, bring your shoulders back, and spread your feet to hip-width distance. Squat down and thrust your hips upward. As you lower your body down, swing your left arm between your legs to grab the cowbell. Tightly grip the cowbell, swinging it forward and up as you push into a standing position. Swing until your arm and the cowbell are parallel with the floor. Complete 10 to 12 repetitions, switching arms after each repetition.
One-Arm Overhead Cowbell Squat
The cowbell squat work your glutes and quads while adding weighted resistance for your arms and abs. Begin by standing with your feet slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart, and grasp onto the cowbell with you left arm. Bring the cowbell over your head as you tighten your core, allowing your right arm to hang freely at your side.
Next, straighten your spine and lower your hips toward the floor. Protect your lower body, don't let your knees extend past your second toe. As you squat down, be careful not to lean forward or tip back. Breathe comfortably as you hold the squat for five seconds. Slowly stand and lower the cowbell. Switch arms and do five to 10 repetitions on each arm.
Writer Bio
Having studied at two top Midwestern universities, Catherine Field holds degrees in professional writing and patient safety. Writing since 2000, Field has worked with regional newspapers while publishing fiction online. She conducts medical communication research at a Midwestern medical institution and is slated to write a book based on her research findings.