How to Score the MMPI-2

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test (MMPI-2) is a widely used and extensively researched personality inventory that is used in a variety of clinical mental health settings. It has been a staple in many clinical and forensic facilities for several decades, as it assesses a wide range of pathological presentations. The test yields 10 clinical scales, as well as four validity scales. In 2008, the MMPI-2-RF was introduced as an updated alternative to the MMPI-2, but it is not considered as a replacement of the MMPI-2.

Place each semi-transparent scoring scale over the answer sheet, if you are using a hand scoring system for the MMPI-2. Record scores for each scale on the profile sheet.

Plot the raw scores on the profile sheet. Once you determine the T-scores for each scale, the profile sheet will show you if the patient/client's scores fall into the average range, or whether the scores are significantly high or low. Hand scoring is the least expensive but most time consuming method of scoring the MMPI-2

Use a special answer sheet that you will insert into a previously purchased software computer program, if you are using the MMPI-2 computer scoring system. The tests will be scored and interpreted by the program. Computer scoring, though initially expensive, can be cost effective if the MMPI-2 is used frequently.

Use the host communication scoring system, which you obtain through NCS Pearson Assessments. Place the answer sheet in the computer system and connect to the host scoring computer, which will yield scores for each scale, an interpretation of each scale and an overall interpretation of the MMPI-2. This method is relatively expensive but useful for clinicians who only occasionally administer the MMPI-2.


Although the MMPI-2 is user friendly and straightforward, interpretation of the test requires adequate clinical training by a psychologist, a psychometrist or a psychological assistant under the supervision of a trained, credentialed mental health clinician.


The results of the MMPI-2 should only be shared with the patient or client by a trained mental health clinician who is qualified to provide results and interpretations with safety, competence and moderate skepticism, given that the MMPI-2 is only an assessment tool.