How to Use a Rebounder With a Medicine Ball

A rebounder looks like a mini trampoline; some rebounders, in fact, are used for bouncing exercises. The most notable difference between a rebounder and a trampoline is that the rebounder may be raised or lowered on one side, creating an angle from the floor. Rebounders work in conjunction with the plyometric ability of muscles, which means the muscles can stretch quickly and immediately contract. These features of the rebounder are essential to medicine ball training using upper body, core and balance exercises.
Adjust the rebounder so that the spring platform is angled about 60 degrees off of the floor. Hold a 6-pound medicine ball and stand about 10 feet from the front of the rebounder, facing the machine.
Place your feet about shoulder-width apart and then use both hands to gently throw the ball toward the rebounder to get a feel of how quickly the machine springs the ball back to you. Throw the ball as if you were making a chest pass in basketball. Do five repetitions.
Hold the ball with both hands and raise it over your head. Contract your abdominals as you bend your trunk slightly forward while simultaneously using your arms to throw the ball against the rebounder. Catch the ball over your head and quickly throw it back again to work your rectus abdominal muscle along the front of your torso. Complete three sets of 10 repetitions.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and hold the ball with both hands at the level of your waste. Bend your hips and knees like the very beginning stage of a squat, maintaining this position throughout this exercise. Twist toward your left side so the ball is also on your left then quickly turn forward as you throw the ball against the rebounder; catch the ball on your right side as you twist your body to the right. Quickly turn forward, throwing the ball against the rebounder then catch the ball on your left side. Continue to alternate sides for 10 reps per side. Complete two more sets of 10 repetitions, strengthening your oblique abdominal muscles.
Grab a 2-pound medicine ball in your right hand then stand about 10 feet from the rebounder. Balance on your right leg and contract your core muscles as you throw the ball against the springboard, catching it with your right hand. Repeat for 10 total reps on your right arm. Balance on your left leg and throw the ball with your left arm for 10 repetitions, improving your balance and strengthening your core. Do two more sets of 10 reps per arm.
Gradually use a heavier ball for abdominal and core exercises to increase the strength of these muscles. Perform up to 15 repetitions per set to increase endurance.
Medicine ball exercises place quite a strain on your muscles, ligaments and tendons because of the rapid stretch-and-contract nature of plyometrics. Warmup with a light cardio, dynamic stretches and calisthenic exercises prior to your medicine ball training, reducing your risk of joint sprains and muscle strains.
- "Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning"; Thomas R. Baechle, et al.
- "ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal"; A Periodized Approach for Core Training; Jeffrey Willardson, Ph.D.
Writer Bio
Paula Quinene is an Expert/Talent, Writer and Content Evaluator for Demand Media, with more than 1,500 articles published primarily in health, fitness and nutrition. She has been an avid weight trainer and runner since 1988. She has worked in the fitness industry since 1990. She graduated with a Bachelor's in exercise science from the University of Oregon and continues to train clients as an ACSM-Certified Health Fitness Specialist.