How to Work Out a Knot in Your Hip

Long work hours, stress or a heavy workout can lead to a myofascial trigger point, or knot, in your hip muscles. Muscle fibers cluster together to create these knots and the pain that accompanies them. Although a day at the spa with a massage therapist is one way to work these knots out, there are more convenient, less costly ways to treat knots in your hip at home.
Place a moist heat pack on the muscle knot to help relax the muscle fibers. If you do not have a heat pack, wet a small towel with hot water. Wring out the water and place the warm towel over the muscle knot. Keep the heat source in place for 20 minutes.
Perform the hip flexor release for knots located on the front of your hips. Lie on the floor with the foam roller positioned underneath the hip flexors -- your upper thigh and pelvis -- on the side with the knot. Support your upper body with your hands or forearms on the floor. Slowly roll your body forward and backward, placing pressure on your hip muscles. When you reach the knot, remain in this spot and target the roller movements to massage the muscles. Continue to roll for 60 to 90 seconds.
Lie on your side with the foam roller underneath your outer thigh to target muscle knots in this area of the hip. Extend your legs out straight and support your upper body with your arms extended and hands placed in front of you. Slowly roll your body over the roller from your hip down to just above the knee. Stop when you encounter the muscle knot and apply direct pressure. Continue rolling for 60 to 90 seconds.
Regular use of foam roller stretches increases muscle flexibility and blood circulation. Performing stretching exercises two to three days a week helps reduce muscle tension.
Test the temperature of heat packs before applying to avoid skin burns.
Foam roller exercises should not cause pain. If you experience pain, stop the exercise immediately.
If muscle knots are a regular problem, consult a physician to rule out any underlying medical condition before starting an exercise program.
Writer Bio
Deborah Lundin is a professional writer with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field and as a small business owner. She studied medical science and sociology at Northern Illinois University. Her passions and interests include fitness, health, healthy eating, children and pets.