How to Wear a Football Girdle

A football girdle is a piece of equipment that is worn underneath football pants to provide protection to the player's groin area. While the girdle itself is not a pad, it is a piece of equipment that holds all of the different lower body pads in place. For first time football players or equipment managers, it may be difficult to put on a football girdle if you do not know where the pads go and how to put it on.
Locate the pockets where each pad will be placed.
- The butt pad will be located in the back of the girdle
- The knee pads will be located in the front towards the bottom on each leg
- The thigh pads will be located on the lower sides on each leg
- The hip pads will be located in the upper side on each leg
Place the pads in each pocket of the girdle.
Step into the girdle and pull them up much like any other pair of pants
- Wearing the girdle under or over underwear is usually up to the preference of the football player
Make sure that the girdle's pads are covering the proper body parts.
Put on football pants over the girdle. Once you have completed this step, you have successfully put on your girdle.
Writer Bio
Art Corvelay is a freelance writer for demand studios who has been writing and editing for five years. He holds a Ph.D. in technical communication and teaches courses in writing and editing at the university level.