Proper Rain Gear for Football

There are very few weather stoppages in football. Through rain, sleet, snow and ice, football players take to the field and play the game no matter what the conditions. So do football fans, who have no escape from the elements if they want to see their team play. They must stay out there and face brutal rain and wind. Fans need the proper rain gear to make the experience less miserable.
Put On a Poncho
The idea is to stay as dry as possible despite the rain and the best way to do it whether you are sitting in the stands or playing the game — while standing on the sidelines — is with the rain poncho. Lighter and more pliable than a rain coat, a rain poncho will move with your body and that will allow you to cover more of your body when moving around or sitting in the stands. The poncho will cover you from the top of your head to midway down your calves, and that will go a long way toward keeping you from getting soaked.
Rain Pants and Waterproof Shoes
Rain pants and waterproof shoes are essential if you are a fan sitting in the stands. Rain pants protect you from getting soaked while seated and as you move around, waterproof shoes will keep your feet from getting soaked. Wet feet at a sporting event can turn any game into a miserable performance.
Leave Your Umbrella at Home
Don't even think about taking an umbrella into the game with you. Under most circumstances it will be taken away from you. Unless you are sitting in the last row, there will be other fans sitting behind you and nobody wants to look at the back of your umbrella for a full 60-minute contest. You will likely be the object of ridicule for bringing an umbrella into the stadium with you.
Love it Like a Duck
A football game at the college or professional level will usually take about three hours. So in order to prepare for a day in the rain, you have to have the proper mindset for the experience. Your day of watching football will be wet, but it doesn't have to be miserable. Once you get used to sitting in the rain, you are going through a shared experience with the other fans and players in the rain. As your body makes the adjustment, it becomes fun, enjoyable and memorable to watch the game in the rain.
It's not just a matter of going to the game and sitting in the stands and watching the game. It's the entire experience. Those who go to games regularly don't cut back on their experience just because it's raining. They tailgate even though it may be pouring outside. Take a tent with you when you go to the game so you can make the best of your pre- and post-game experience. You can have your beverages and meals in the tent and enjoy the experience despite the rain.
Writer Bio
Steve Silverman is an award-winning writer, covering sports since 1980. Silverman authored The Minnesota Vikings: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Who's Better, Who's Best in Football -- The Top 60 Players of All-Time, among others, and placed in the Pro Football Writers of America awards three times. Silverman holds a Master of Science in journalism from the Medill School of Journalism.