List of Exercises in Army Conditioning Drills

Army soldiers are widely acclaimed for their heroism and strength -- these powerful men and women are capable of displaying impressive force and endurance. The U.S. Army developed a standardized physical training program that improves physical fitness, reduces injuries and progressively toughens and conditions soldiers while improving confidence and discipline. This training program includes individual exercise drills, conditioning drills, push-ups and sit ups, climbing drills, strength training and guerrilla drills. The Army requires unit commanders to lead troops in vigorous physical training three to five days each week, according to The Sports Journal.
Conditioning Drill 1
Conditioning Drill 1, or CD1, includes five repetitions of specific exercises. According to U.S. Army Physical Readiness Training Information, CD1 sets include power jumps, V-ups, mountain climbers, leg tuck and twists, and single-leg pushups. These exercises develop complex motor skills and challenge a soldier’s physical strength, endurance and mobility.
Conditioning Drill 2
CD2 exercises require more complex motor skills and physical strength. CD2 exercises produce fast, powerful movements focused on bilateral strength. These five exercises are the turn and lunge, pushups, supine bicycles, half jacks, and the swimmer. Soldiers perform these exercises at a slow or moderate pace for optimal results. Drills build strength by challenging core muscles, giving the soldier more effective control over his body weight without encouraging repetitive motions that lead to overuse injuries. These exercises improve a soldier’s mobility and range of motion.
Conditioning Drill 3
Soldiers will find CD3 exercises more difficult and complex, incorporating repeated jumping, landing and changes in body position, which place greater demands on the lower extremities. Motions are powerful, and the soldier uses explosive energy and dexterity to carry out these advanced exercises. There are twice as many CD3 exercises than CD1 or CD2 exercises. They include the Y squat, single-leg dead lift, side-to-side knee lift, front kick alternate toe touch and the tuck jump. Additionally, the soldier must perform a forward and backward straddle run, half-squat laterals, forward and backward frog jumps, alternate one-fourth turn jumps and alternate-staggered squat jumps.
Soldiers perform all exercises in sequence and in cadence. Participants engage in two stages of conditioning drills -- the toughening stage and the sustaining stage. Soldiers never perform more than five repetitions of each exercise per set during the toughening stage and do not participate in Conditioning Drill 3 exercises at all. Troops participating in the toughening phase perform five to 10 repetitions of all conditioning drills. Repeat the entire conditioning drill set of exercises to increase repetitions per exercise session to ensure a well-rounded workout.
Writer Bio
Lynn Hetzler has been a writer since 2000. She was editor in chief and head writer for the online publication Eye on Cameraware. She owns a computer store offering repair, websites, instruction, and more. Hetzler is a certified medical assistant with experience in oncology, laboratory testing and protocol writing.