How to Rebuild Arches in Flat Feet

Flat feet are structural and easily seen when you glance at the soles of your feet. If you have no visible foot arch, this may be hereditary or from wearing shoes that did not support the arches. Rebuilding the arches in the foot bed can begin with foot exercises often recommended by health professionals to people with visibly flat feet or those with very shallow arches. If you have serious ankle, knee, low back or neck pain, it may be related to your flat feet and you should see a doctor for medical guidance.
Identify where your arches are in your feet. Arches run along near the instep of the feet, under the baseline of your toes, down the center of the soles of your feet and a smaller arch near your heel.
Doing these simple exercises below consistently may help you rebuild your arches—these network of muscles—so that within a year, you may notice you have a visible arch in your feet.
Begin by sitting in a chair and come to sit on the edge of it so your feet are easily flat on the floor and knees bent to a 90-degree angle. Place a thick towel flat in front of your feet so that both feet are fully on the towel. Grab the towel with your toes and roll the towel away from you. Doing so will call on five different network of muscles on the bottoms of your feet: strengthening these muscles can help bring a functional arch back to your feet. Repeat this rolling exercise 2 or 3 times.
Scatter a handful of large marbles near your chair. Sitting in the chair, use one foot to grasp one marble at a time and drop it into a small bucket nearby. Continue until you have move your small pile of marbles in the bucket. Repeat to the second foot. Do once more for each foot. Doing this enables you to articulate all the muscles in the foot that will literally bring the “spring back into your step.”
Stand up from your chair and set your bare feet flat on the floor so they are hip-width distance apart. Imagine that you are standing at the beach with sand below your feet. Lift the toes of your right foot and imagine you are grabbing as much sand under your foot: grab hold of it and release it. Continue with this lifting, grabbing and releasing action for 30 seconds. You may notice that the muscles on the sole of your feet tire: these often ignored muscles are getting a workout to strengthen weakened muscles. Repeat to the second side.
Wear ergonomic shoes that support your arches and cup your heels fully. Flip flops do not do this, nor do shoes that are completely flat in the foot bed.
Women’s shoes with a heel higher than 2 inches tend to be less ergonomic: they tilt the pelvis forward into an anterior tilt, creating an exaggerated curve in the low back (lordosis) and thrust the head forward, creating compression in the neck. High-heeled shoes can create too high an arch that will overstretch the plantar fascia that runs along the soles of the feet.
Wear clogs to exercise your feet to help rebuild your arches. Clogs exercise your legs, too. Clogs are often worn by nurses, chefs, waitresses and others that stand on their feet all day.
Well-designed clogs keep the feet healthy by “forcing” the toes to grip the foot bed and the network of muscles in the foot are engaged, stretched, and strengthened to preserve the arches in the feet.
If you choose to wear high heels to work, for example, kick them off your feet when you are seated at your desk and move your feet over a "footsie roller." These foot rollers are usually made from wood, ridged and they stretch the plantar fascia muscles on the soles of your feet. Later, remember to do at least one of the above exercises to "repair" your arches from wearing those high heels.
See a podiatrist or a physical therapist if you are not able to walk comfortably because of your fallen arches.
- Pita-fernandez S, Gonzalez-martin C, Alonso-tajes F, et al. Flat foot in a random population and its impact on quality of life and functionality. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11(4):LC22-LC27. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2017/24362.9697
- Shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome). Updated March 1, 2018.
- American Academy of Family Physicians. Flat feet. Updated March 13, 2018.
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Vertical talus. Reviewed August 2011.
- Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Flat feet. Updated March 17, 2019.
- Jankowicz-szymanska A, Mikolajczyk E. Genu valgum and flat feet in children with healthy and excessive body weight. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2016;28(2):200-6. doi:10.1097/PEP.0000000000000246
- Cleveland Clinic. Adult acquired flatfoot. Updated March 2, 2019.
- Park J, Lee SG, Bae J, Lee JC. The correlation between calcaneal valgus angle and asymmetrical thoracic-lumbar rotation angles in patients with adolescent scoliosis. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015;27(12):3895-9. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.3895
- American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Flexible flatfoot.
- Hollander K, De villiers JE, Sehner S, et al. Growing-up (habitually) barefoot influences the development of foot and arch morphology in children and adolescents. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):8079. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07868-4
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Flexible flatfoot in children. Updated October 2018.
- Vulcano E, Deland JT, Ellis SJ. Approach and treatment of the adult acquired flatfoot deformity. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2013;6(4):294-303. doi:10.1007/s12178-013-9173-z
- Banwell H, Mackintosh S, Thewlis D. Foot orthoses for adults with flexible pes planus: a systematic review.J Foot Ankle Res. 2014;7:23. doi:10.1186/1757-1146-7-23.
- Benedetti M, Ceccarelli F, Berti L, et al. Diagnosis of flexible flat foot in children: A systematic clinical approach. Orthopedics. 2011; 34(2):94-20101221-04. doi:10.3928/01477447-20101221-04.
- If you choose to wear high heels to work, for example, kick them off your feet when you are seated at your desk and move your feet over a "footsie roller." These foot rollers are usually made from wood, ridged and they stretch the plantar fascia muscles on the soles of your feet. Later, remember to do at least one of the above exercises to "repair" your arches from wearing those high heels.
- See a podiatrist or a physical therapist if you are not able to walk comfortably because of your fallen arches.
Writer Bio
Sava Tang Alcantara has been a writer and editor since 1988, working as a writer and editor for health publications such as "Let's Live Magazine" and "Whole Life Times." Alcantara specializes in health and fitness and is a certified yoga teacher and personal trainer. She does volunteer work regularly and has taught free public yoga classes in Santa Monica, Calif. since 2002.