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What Muscles Do You Feel Stretching When Performing a Butterfly Stretch?

The butterfly stretch is useful if you do any lower body exercises. When assuming this position, you engage your thighs. If you want to enhance your flexibility, feel the burn of the butterfly stretch. Even if it acts on one particular part of your legs, this stretch is beneficial for your lower body fitness.
It's All in the Hips
When you do a butterfly stretch, you feel it one specific part of your thighs. This stretch targets your hip adductors, a small muscle in your inner thighs near your groin in opening and closing your legs. Your hip adductors help you maintain everyday movements, such as opening and closing your legs. To do a butterfly stretch, simply sit on the ground with the bottom of your feet touching. Hold your feet and press your knees toward the ground. You can also lean forward, keeping your back straight, to engage your back and gluteal muscles.
Writer Bio
S. Grey has a Master of Science in counseling psychology from the University of Central Arkansas. He is also pursuing a PhD and has a love for psychology, comic books and social justice. He has been published in a text on social psychology and regularly presents research at regional psychology conferences.