List of Colleges in Georgia That Have Wrestling Teams

Collegiate wrestling in Georgia took a big step forward in 2010, when Shorter University hired coach Josh Henson to build a NCAA Division II program. Shorter, a former assistant coach at Division I University of Pennsylvania, built a regional powerhouse and the lynchpin program in a state that also features programs affiliated with the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics and the National Junior College Athletic Association. Also, seven universities have club teams within the National Collegiate Wrestling Association.
National Collegiate Athletic Association
Shorter University not only competes against other Georgia programs, it branches out to face major NCAA programs. In 2014 Shorter hosted Duke University in a duel meet.
National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics
Three four-year schools in Georgia have NAIA wrestling programs. They are:
Brewton-Parker College, Mt. Vernon
Life University, Marietta
Truett McDonell College, Cleveland
National Junior College Athletic Association
Darton State College in Albany, which is primarily a two-year school, has a wrestling team affiliated with the NJCAA. But Darton competes against the state's four-year college programs in duel meets and the annual Georgia Intercollegiate Championships.
National Collegiate Wrestling Association
In addition to those five schools with sanctioned intercollegiate programs, there are seven four-year universities in Georgia with club wrestling teams. Those non-scholarship teams operate outside the athletic departments of those schools, but they give top wrestlers a chance to compete. These teams compete in the Southeast Conference and in the two divisions of the NCWA. They are:
Mercer University, Atlanta, Division I
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Division I
Emory University, Atlanta, Division II
Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, Division II
Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Division II
University of Georgia, Athens, Division II
University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, Division II
Writer Bio
Jeff Gordon has been reporting and writing since 1977. His most recent work has appeared on websites such as eHow, GolfLink, Ask Men, Open Sports, Fox Sports and MSN. He has previously written for publications such as "The Sporting News" and "The Hockey News." He graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism in 1979 with a bachelor's degree.