How to Remove a Stuck Riding Boot From the Foot

Riding boots are often hard to put on, let alone take off. If you have new riding boots that haven't been properly broken in yet or riding boots that are a size too small, it's possible that your foot will get stuck in the boot. Don't panic. There are a few inexpensive home remedies to try before resorting to cutting the boot off your foot.
Get a Friend to Help
Before trying anything else, take a seat and relax. Grab the seat of the chair to stable yourself and extend the foot that's stuck in the boot in front of you. Get a friend to pull off the boot. For better leverage put the back of the chair against a wall and put your leg at a 90-degree angle in the air.
Boot Jacks and Shoe Horns
Boot jacks and shoe horns should be your next course of action if someone else is unable to pull off your riding boot. Wedge your stuck foot into the triangle of the boot jack. Place your other foot on top of the boot jack for leverage. Place your hands against a wall for balance. Let the boot jack grip the heel of the boot and lift your foot out of the boot. If your boot has a shorter leg, use a shoe horn to pop your heel out of the boot.
Heat causes molecules to expand. Put a heating pad around the ankle of the boot to expand the leather. Leave the heating pad on the boot for at least 10 minutes. Try to move your foot around in the boot to push the leather out. If it doesn't work after 10 minutes of heat, leave the heating pad on for an additional 10 minutes. Additionally, the cold causes molecules to constrict. Your foot might have become sweaty and swollen inside the boot. If your foot feels swollen, elevate it and place ice on top of the foot of the boot. When your foot feels cooler and like the swelling has gone down, try removing the foot from the boot.
Lubricating your foot should be a last resort as the oil can make quite a mess and will stain the boot if it gets on the outside. Using a lubricant will only be useful if you're not wearing socks. Take olive oil or baby oil and drip 2 to 3 tablespoons down the back, front and sides of the boot. Wiggle your foot as much as you can to spread the oil around the foot. Use more oil if necessary, then try to remove your foot from the boot.
Writer Bio
Red Ashton has been writing and editing professionally since 2003. Her work has appeared in "The Times Ledger," "The Lit Review," "Not For Tourists,", and the Rough Guides website. Her areas of writing expertise include travel, home-and-garden and education. Ashton earned a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the New School.